Water Tariffs - Raw Water
The Water Tariffs - Raw Water dashboard indicates Raw Water Tariffs.
What does this dashboard relate to?
The Raw Water Pricing dashboard depicts the raw water prices charged nationally. This is inline with the prescripts of the raw water pricing strategy. The raw water charges are made to be cost-reflective in order to avoid over-charging or under-charging of raw water.
Person(s) who championed the dashboard
Ms Sizani Moshidi
Economic and Social Regulation
Ms Sizani Moshidi
- For all dashboard enquiries click HERE to go to the Contact Us page.
What type/s of questions does the information product aim to answer:
The information product aims to answer the whole question of whether Catchment Management Agencies are determining their charges in a cost-reflective way or not. It also seeks to ascertain whether the prices charged by CMAs to Water Boards are affordable; equitable and fair. The other question that will be answered in the process will be the question of sustainability of the CMAs.
Data / Information discussion:
Data used to generate the information
What data is used?
The data used is the Raw Water Tariffs data which is supplied by the business unit and it is being displayed on the NIWIS dashboard. The quantity of the raw water, as well as demand fore-casting, needs to be taken into consideration.
How is extracted and from where?
The business unit gets data from their system and the data is populated into a spreadsheet, and then saved onto DWS local network drive (N-drive). From the N-drive it is imported into NIWIS.
How often is it extracted?
The data will be extracted on an annual basis based on the 12 months period.
Business processes related to the data
What data is used?
The algorithms / equations used to convert data into information
No calculations are made within NIWIS. The data is display as it has been provided by the relevant DWS business unit.
Key assumptions
It will be assumed that all users have been assigned user rights/ permissions as per their respective levels/ requirements and have access to the system.
Data used to generate the information
Links to other sources of related information
Are there any limitations / cautions related to using this information?
Yes, please refer to the below:
Copyright: The copyright of the data/information remains with the Department of Water and Sanitation. This approval to use the data/information cannot be construed as a transfer of copyright.
Usage: All data is supplied free of charge and may not be sold to third parties. The use of information data is restricted to use for academic, research or personal purposes.
Quality: All data is supplied with no expressed or implied warranty as to its suitability for purpose, accuracy or completeness.
Status: Meanwhile data is continuously updated; the data set(s) supplied are already historical on the day of supply.
Acknowledgement: Whenever used in publications or the electronic media, the Department Water and Sanitation is to be mentioned as the proprietor of the relevant copyright.