Water Supply Reliability
The Water Supply Reliability dashboard indicates the percentage to population and households that have functional access to drinking water.A reliable water service is: one where the service is not interrupted for more than 48 consecutive hrs and is available for at least 350 days per year. (Strategic Framework for Water Services, Sept 2003)
This dashboard’s map colour coding represent the Water Supply Reliability status, as indicated on the map legend.
The Water Supply Reliability dashboard map can be rendered to one of the following statuses:- Population
- Households
The table at the top right shows the aggregated summary information of the selected map area. The second table provides aggregated detail information for the selected map area. Both tables provides the information on percentage and number of population and households that have functional access to drinking water.
The Water Supply Reliability information is provided by Water Services and is updated monthly.
What does this dashboard relate to:
The Water Supply Reliability dashboard provides the user with a national as well as provincial presentation/s of people and households with functional access to basic water supply infrastructure at RDP or higher levels of service. RDP or higher service levels are regarded as tapped (safe) water through a communal stand pipe within 200m from the dwelling, water in the yard or water in the dwelling.
Person(s) who championed the dashboard:
Mr. Mbentse Bekubuhle
Water Services: Planning and Information -
Ms. Schulz Cheryl
Water Services: Planning and Information
Mr. Mbentse Bekubuhle
- For all dashboard enquiries click HERE to go to the Contact Us page.
What type/s of questions does the information product aim to answer:
The product aims to provide the user with the number of people and households with functional access to basic water supply infrastructure. This obviously also provides the number of people without access to basic water supply infrastructure, commonly referred to as the water backlog/water needs. Geographical presentation of the data indicating the level of access to water supply on Provincial and Water Services Authority (WSA)level is possible.
Data / Information discussion:
Data used to generate the information
What data is used?
Data from the Water Services Knowledge System (WSKS) is used. This is based on results of STATS SA Censuses as well as annual General Household Surveys, aligned with and updated by the Department Water and Sanitation (DWS)Macro Planning data. Data is generated on settlement level and is based on the water supply service level provided such as water in house, in yard or from a communal standpipe, borehole, spring, dam, river, or other source. Based on the service level definitions, the WSKS determines who has access to at and/or above RDP water supply service levels and who does not.
How is it extracted and from where?
The data is extracted via Macro Planning processes and procedures directly from the Water Services Knowledge System database.
How often is it extracted?
The data is updated annually on 1 April but can be extracted by NIWIS as and when required through the Macro Planning processes and procedures provided.
Business processes related to the data:
Business processes related to the data:
What data is used?
The algorithms / equations used to convert data into information:
NIWIS calculates the performance grading for presentation purposes based on the following:
Performance Grading: categorisation
Key assumptions
That the user has been provided with functional access to at least RDP level water supply.
Data used to generate the information
Links to other sources of related information
Are there any limitations / cautions related to using this information?
Yes, please refer to the below:
Copyright: The copyright of the data/information remains with the Department of Water and Sanitation. This approval to use the data/information cannot be construed as a transfer of copyright.
Usage: All data is supplied free of charge and may not be sold to third parties. The use of information data is restricted to use for academic, research or personal purposes.
Quality: All data is supplied with no expressed or implied warranty as to its suitability for purpose, accuracy or completeness.
Status: Meanwhile data is continuously updated; the data set(s) supplied are already historical on the day of supply.
Acknowledgement: Whenever used in publications or the electronic media, the Department Water and Sanitation is to be mentioned as the proprietor of the relevant copyright.